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Introduction to the Maturidis: Part 3 - The Period of Authorship, Codification and Formalization, 500H to 700H Thursday, December 17 2009 - by Maturidis.Com Read more articles at Maturidis.Com
The most prominent figures in this regard are:
Abu al-Mu'een an-Nasafee (d. 508H), and he is Maymun bin Muhammad bin Mu'tamad an-Nasafee al-Makhoolee. The ascription an-Nasafee is to Nasaf, a large near Samarqand, he is often given the appellations "Sayf ul-Haqq" and "Sayf ud-Deen". Though he is considered one of the greatest of the Shaykhs of the Maturidis, not much is found in the biographical accounts regarding his Shaykhs, or his acquisition of knowledge. He is for the Maturidis what al-Baqillani (d. 403H) and al-Ghazali (d. 505H) are for the Ash'aris. His most famous work is "Tabsirat al-Adillah", and it is one of the most important reference works for the Maturidi creed, after "Kitaab ut-Tawheed" of al-Maturidi himself. Thus, a great deal of authorship in the field of the Maturidi creed and other subjects pertaining to tafseer, and explanations of the books of hadeeth, and general sciences pertaining to the religion were authored in this period, and the Maturidi creed and its adherents now had a recognizable and distinctive school of thought. The next 600 years or so from 700H to 1300H, marked the spread and proliferation of the Maturidi aqidah and the emergence of specific modern representations, such as the Deobandiyyah, Barelwiyyah and Kawthariyyah.
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